Monday, December 20, 2010

{baking & domestic godessness} Book Heaven!

Sorry for the break but the past few weeks have been nuts but they have been filled with Christmas shopping, dinners, catch ups and cleaning. However, this is not just any sort of cleaning I must say. I was put on to a blog called Simple Mom by Tsh Oxenreider and boy is she amazing! Such wonderful ideas and she has just released a book which I just had to order immediately. (Excuse the lack of photo editing programs on my laptop at this present moment!!)

I was thrilled when I arrived home to this book! It covers mainly money and home organisation - simplifying your belongings and removing the clutter. She works on the principal of "Is this thing beautiful or useful to me?" and boy have I cleaned out some stuff. She helps you to remove the guilt etc of unwanted gifts etc and I can tell you it was a liberating experience! This book is a must for anyone who is a bit of a hoarder or doesn't know where to begin with the clutter.

Another divine book that has also just been released is Cake Pops by Bakerella. I just love her blog and her gorgeous ideas.

She creates such beautiful little gems to share for birthdays, Easter, Christmas and many more occassions. We had our Mothers Group Christmas party last week so I decided to try my hand at some little Christmas Trees. They were rushed and less than perfect but here is my first attempt at trying to create these little  Christmas beauties!
Despite some of them being a little wonky they were delicious and were gobbled up in minutes! Head over to her blog if you haven't checked it out yet, she has some gorgeous ideas for Christmas you could have a go at!

I first made some Cake Pops for Wonder Girl's 1st birthday earlier in the year. I struggled with the dipping but they were quite cute anyway, so thought I would share...

I should also mention I am doing a guest blog post tomorrow at Just Me. A wonderful blog by the gorgeous Sarah, so head on over and check it out!
Have a wonderful Monday everyone Xx


  1. Hmm. I may just need both of those books. Found you via Just Me.

  2. Gorgeous xmas trees!!!

    Found you via the follow me club, bigwords x


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