Sunday, January 30, 2011

{ childs play }

Well, we're getting closer to finishing the cubbyhouse! We have put the final coat on the cubbyhouse which was a bit of a circus at the start. We went to the local hardware store and found the paint we wanted, "Medium Texture" by Dulux. When painted on, it gives a rendered finish, perfect! We were then told we needed a "medium texture" roller to roll it on with. Mind you this roller came with a $30 price tag and that was just the 'cover'. We were then told we needed to trowel it and then wipe it with a wet towel afterwards. So with the paint and gold plated roller in hand and the info fresh in our minds we came home to get started. First roll with the gold plated roller and we both nearly dropped to the floor, it made it all patchy and the spots it rolled on resembled something similar to Hershey Kisses! No wonder you need to trowel it to get the effect. So I promptly threw down the roller, picked up the paint brush and painted the whole thing with that! It. Looks. Awesome!!!!

Here is the latest photo of the kids play area, which is finally coming together!
So now The Man just needs to finish the rails on the verandah, the inside walls and the windows! So hopefully it will all be done by the end of this week and then the fun can begin!!!

I am off to try my hand at crocheting again! I failed miserably the other night, this could be a long process!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

D xo

Sunday, January 23, 2011

{ crocheting }

So I have decided to learn how to crochet! I came across a beautiful crocheted beanie the other day that I thought would look stunning on Wondergirl this coming winter. It was on the pricey side, so I had a wonderful  idea to make one myself. I started googling and found a few tutorials on YouTube and tonight at the supermarket bought myself a crochet hook and some yarn!! So I am sitting here all super excited, everyone is in bed and the housework is done so I can get on with some serious guilt free learning! If anyone has any helpful tips, please be sure to pass them on! I will take any help I can get!

The cubbyhouse is still a work in progress (Pic below) We have had some shocking weather which has held things up a bit but we got a few things done today! I primed the outside walls and The Man started building the little verandah, we have the paint all ready to go for the final coat. Very excited about putting that on!! So the curtains and bunting have been held up once again but we will get there!

I am going to love you and leave you all and head off to learn the basics of crocheting! (I hope)

Night all,

Dani x

Thursday, January 13, 2011

{ resolutions & devastation }

I have been meaning to post for a couple of weeks about my New Years resolutions but haven't had a chance, so today I thought should be the day. However, before I go on with something that now seems less than important I would like to mention the devastating floods that are ravaging our country. Words cannot even begin to express the way I feel. I am lucky enough to be many many miles from them but many people I know are in QLD and northern NSW and my heart is breaking for them, their families and friends. The death toll stands at 12 and there are roughly 60 people missing. The images are haunting and seeing the sheer force of the water makes me tremble. For those of you who aren't in Australia, here are a couple of images of just some of the devastation.

My heart goes out to everyone affected by these terrible floods. I pray that all those missing are safe with just no means of contact at this time. I also wish to commend the CFA, SES, Ambos, Police and anyone who in anyway has helped, is helping or is going to help. The recovery from this will take many years and many hands. I hope in some way we can all help. I will add a couple of links that I have found for donations and also info numbers if you need them.

HERE is a Facebook auction of some beautiful little treasures that have been donated.

Disaster Recovery Hotline: 1800 173 349
State Emergency Service: 132 500

So, it's another year and another set of resolutions! To be quite honest, last year I don't even remember making any... maybe it was a good thing! I know I am a little late in doing them (I haven't started yet) but better late than never right? I have been thinking about my resolutions for a while and they aren't anything exciting and there are only 3 but I hope that they are something that inspires me and helps me to complete some tasks that have been shoved to the side for quite some time!

1. I would love to sew 1 project per month. (Ideally I would love to sew more but a lot of the time, time doesn't seem to be on my side)
2. Complete 1 scrapbooking page per week. (I haven't done anything for the kids and Wonderboy is nearly 4!!)
3. To be a healthy Mummy! I would love to lose weight and the C25K challenege I was going to do has been put on hold due to a "very unstable pelvis" as my gorgeous Osteo told me on Tuesday. *sigh* I will get there though. I need to cut back on my food and watch what I eat. I am a sucker for good food, so it will be a challenge!
4. To chill out more and not let housework take over! I want to relax more and spend more time with the kids. So far this is something that I have been acheiving everyday!

So in talking about #1 and me telling you I would be back in a couple of days with my bunting and curtains for the cubbyhouse, well they have been put on hold for a few more days! We have had constant rain for the past few days which has resulted in the cubbyhouse coming to a bit of a holt. So hopefully with the rain having eased today we can get moving on it this arvo when hubs gets home. I take that back... here is the rain again! Time to head off to get ready for a beautiful little girls 3rd birthday party around the corner!

Have a wonderful day all and please keep everyone in QLD and Nth NSW in your prayers.


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

{ happy new year }

Hello there all!! I would like to start by wishing you all a Happy New Year, I hope you all had a fabulous one. I know that we did, we spent the very warm evening by a friends pool with lots of good food, drinks and laughs. Perfection! So I am back in action and online after a little holiday break and ready to jump into the new year with loads of craft and adventures to share with you all! No crafting has taken place over the Christmas/New Year period but it will be kicked off very shortly with the Wonderkids cubbyhouse having nearly been completed! So we will be needing some gorgeous little curtains and a bunting to boot to create a little wonderland for them!
Here is a little sneaky peak of the cubbyhouse...

I will leave it here, we're off to the Health Nurse for Wonderboys 3.5yr old check up this morning and then off to the Osteo to ease my ever twisted pelvis! (Thanks kiddies for that!) Have a wonderful day all and will check back in, in a few days with our creations!