Monday, October 1, 2012

A long time between drinks...

It's been a long time since I've checked in here & there has been quite a few changes in my life since I last blogged...

A quick snapshot...We sold our old home & bought one to renovate! It all happened on a bit of a whim (Thanks hubby!) and we ended up with 2 houses for about 7 months. So while we were living in our old house we were able to complete most changes to the new place without any real disruption. The renovations are almost complete, just the kitchen and laundry to go. So there are plenty of photos to share!
We have also added a new addition to our family... a gorgeous little guy Harry! He was born in August and has just gone 7 weeks old. The big 2 absolutely adore him and he is such a little treasure!

I am very much looking forward to giving the blog a revamp and sharing with you all once again!


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